Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thursday Thirteen 9/27/07

My foot has officially been broken for a week now. This is just 13 fairly random observations.

1. A week off of work is a lot more fun when you are not drugged most of the time.

2. I am a danger to myself and others while using crutches.

3. A walking boot is just as awkward as it looks.

4. According to my Orthopedic doctor it is actually against the law for me to drive with the boot on. (For the record, I will wear my post-op shoe while driving.)

5. My toes are ugly and I can't hide them with shoes.

6. My husband's solution for everything seems to be throw drugs at it. I think the dog might have stepped on my foot last night. I just remember waking up crying in pain. He puts 2 pain pills in my hand with a glass of water. I don't think I moved for several hours.

7. He says that I have been talking in my sleep.

8. Well, goody, he has been doing it for years and drugs have nothing to do with it.

9. Almost everyone has asked me if I was drunk.

10. If I had been drunk, I would not have hurt myself.

11. I haven't gotten anything done this week. The drugs make me sleepy.

12. Stairs are a bitch when you have a broken foot.

13. I can sleep any time any place. As a matter of fact I dozed off between 12 and 13.


Crystal Jordan said...

Awww! I'm sorry about your foot! Heal soon.

Dana Belfry said...

Okay, that sucks. The dozing off thing between 12 and 13 was pretty funny though.