Thursday, October 11, 2007


So Crystal got tagged and couldn't think of eight people who haven't already been tagged. I haven't. So I figured I would help her out.

Eight Random Bits of Trivia About Me.

1. I have known one of my best friends for over 21 years. Deanna, our friendship is now legally allowed to drink.

2. I am named after a character on Dark Shadows.

3. I have 4 sister and 2 brothers, 6 neices and 8 nephews. I became a great aunt 3 years ago.

4. I have no children of my own. Except my furbaby, Sophie.

5. I typed the index of our yearbook my junior year of highschool, earning me the editor's job my senior year.

6. I married my first date.

7. I once warmed my hands with human blood. (Imagine that however you like. I might explain later.)

8. I can pick up things with my toes. I won a game picking up marbles out of a wading pool filled with water when I was a kid.

I have to agree with Crystal this has pretty much run it's course for the time being. I can't think of anyone else to tag.

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