Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday Thirteen 8/23/07

Here in Tennessee we are having our second week of record breaking temperatures. Our usual high for this time of year is about 86 degrees. This week and last the temperatures have been about 100. Yesterday's high was 103 degrees. So this is 13 things I hate about hot weather.

1. There is a limit to how much clothing I can take off in public. If it is cold, I can always put on a sweater, but when it is hot, I can't go naked.

2. There are place that you shouldn't sweat.

3. My grass is dead.

4. When it is 103 degrees, smoking is miserable. That doesn't mean I won't I am just miserable doing it.

5. No casual evening on the patio, smoking and drinking.

6. I think my shoes were melting and sticking to the pavement yesterday.

7. My electric bill is going to be insane this month.

8. We don't have a pool here. Our old house did. I really miss it right now.

9. The dog can't play outside, it is just too hot for her.

10. Cooking heats up the house too much.

11. I think my only tree is dead, even though we have been sneaking and watering it.

12. By the time my car cools off, I am almost at work.

13. I have my husband afraid to put his arms around me at night because it is just too dang hot to sleep like that.


Babe King said...

it's still hot? Drat! I thought it would be cooling now- end of summer. I sent off tim tams today. My CP is gonna get melted mush! Double drat!

Jennifer Shirk said...

WOW, 103 degree heat sounds insane!

We're getting a cold and rainy streak of weather this week. We're going on 5 days in a row. Bleh.
You want to trade? LOL!

Tempest Knight said...

It's been really hot down here too, so I can relate. Hope the weather gets cooler soon. :)

Kris Yankee said...

We've been having rainy days for the past week or so. It's bad to have my two boys in the house day after day. It's storming again right now. I was hoping it would stop so the boys could go outside and blow the stink off of them!

Gina Ardito aka Katherine Brandon said...

OMG, I saw this last night on the news because here in NY we have record breaking cold: 65 degrees! Poor baby. I feel for ya. Honest...

Jennifer McKenzie said...

When it is 103 degrees, smoking is miserable. That doesn't mean I won't I am just miserable doing it.

That's why I always hated the heat. I actually quit smoking in July because I didn't want to go camping and smoke. LOL.
Hope it cools off soon for you.

Debbie Mumford said...

Ugh. Heat. Condolences and wishing you a break in the weather.

Savannah Chase said...

Oh I know what you mean, the weather has been nuts lately.....even here in Canada

Ava Rose Johnson said...

Oh Christ, that is hot. It rains non-stop where I am. Maybe I'm luckier than I think, lol

Unknown said...

Yikes...I love the 80s. temperature, not the decade.

Amelia June said...

Ha, I'm always kicking my husband off me at night (we're in the 100s also). He gets so sad, LOL

Heather said...

Ugh! And I thought the 90s we had here two weeks ago was bad. Now we're on day six of rain, severe storms and flooding with another round due to hit within the hour.

Paige Tyler said...

LOL! I so totally love the warm weather! But I also love my AC!


My TT is at

Robin L. Rotham said...

Okay, I feel sorry for you. There's not much I hate more than 100+ degree heat. Praying you get a nice cold front tonight!

Debra Moore said...

Hi! Yes, it was pretty daggone miserable when we got to Nashville last week...Africa hot. My sis told me it hadn't rained in over a month; then it promtly rained both days we were there! Yea! We got soaked at the Wilson County Fair, and it felt like heaven poured out on us...fantastic but not great for my naturally curly hair--I ended up looking like a poodle (and sooooo did not care!) LOL