Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Ok, since my Dad is in surgery right now and expected to be there for the next three hours, my Thursday Thirteen is thirteen reasons I love my Dad...
1. He's my Dad, duh!
2. He always has a dirty joke for me.
3. When I was 10 the closest I came to cussing was telling my brother to "stick it in his ear." My mother was so sick of hearing this that she made my Dad take me in the bathroom to wash my mouth out. He turned on the water and laughed and laughed. We splashed water on my shirt and pretended. My Mom still doesn't know.
4. He had morning sickness when Mom was pregnant with me.
5. He used to dig up worms for me to play with.
6. He loves animals as much as I do. I had many pets as a child.
7. He taught me to shoot.
8. I learned to cuss from him.
9. I found his Playboys and smokes when I was 9. He found out and told me not to tell my mother.
10. He taught me to cook.
11. He would calmly help me hide the bodies, or pay "Uncle" Angelo to take care of it completely.
12. He found the biggest, ugliest piece of Detroit steel to put his baby girl in. That meant I could put 8 friends in my car without people sitting in one another's laps.
13. He is my Dad. The person I can't wait to tell my good news to. The man who took bites out of the cookies and carrots so that two children were convinced that Santa was real. The man who suffered through band concerts, church plays, and untold numbers of "Guess what I did today Daddy." The man that might not say I love you all the time, but could always be counted on to (fill in the blank.) I could go on and on here.


Amelia June said...

aw, I really like #3, what a great story!

*positive thoughts*

Tempest Knight said...

Awww... those are awesome reasons for loving your dad! I hope he comes out of surgery just fine. My prayers are with you and him.

Gina Ardito aka Katherine Brandon said...

You are soooooo lucky to have such a great dad. Hope he's okay and pulls thru just fine!

Paige Tyler said...

What a great list! Hope he's feeling better!


My TT is at

Jennifer McKenzie said...

Okay, tears! Tears! Stop it Lia! I hope he does fine through this.

Unknown said...

I hope your dad is okay. Sending major HUGS and best wishes your way.

Jennifer Shirk said...

Awww. What a wonderful relationship you have with your dad! (It brought tears to my eyes)

Hope your dad's surgery goes well and he's home soon!

Robin L. Rotham said...

What an awesome dad! And how wonderful that you realize how lucky you are. Hugs!

Debbie Mumford said...

Blessings, Diva. I hope all went well!