Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Of all the things that I brought home from Dallas the thing I wish I hadn't is a HEAD COLD. So this is thirteen reasons I hate being sick...

1. I really enjoy breathing. I don't know why, for some reason my brain likes oxygen.

2. I can't sleep. My nose keeps getting clogged up. I keep waking up to blow my nose.

3. I still have to work. It doesn't matter if I have had no sleep or if I can't breath.

4. My nose is a lovely shade of red. If I could fly, I'm sure I could give Roudolph a run for his money.

5. There is nothing more pleasant than having your nose literally dripping.

6. I sound like Darth Vader... Now as attractive as this is, I am a girl.

7. I have blown my nose so many times that it has actually started to bleed.

8. You don't even want to know about what I am coughing up.

9. Cold medicine tastes nasty.

10. Nothing tastes like food. I could be eating cardboard. I wouldn't know the difference.

11. A cold during the summer is worse than a winter cold.

12. I can't breath well enough to smoke, so I am also having Nicotine withdrawl.

13. Have I said that I really enjoy breathing.

Uggg, off to drink more cough medicine.


Jennifer McKenzie said...

Oh man I HATE it when I'm too sick to smoke. Along with the misery of the cold, I can't have my relaxing cigarette.
Hope you feel better!!!!

P. Robinson said...

I'm so sorry you're sick- that's the worst. Drink some chammomile tea and go to bed!